With the needs of their employees front of mind, REICHHART has implemented new tech to benefit their employees both on and off the clock with the help of German Bionic.
With exoskeletons becoming a greater tool to support workers in industrial spaces, employees at REICHHART are getting first-hand experience and relief while using German Bionic technology. Recognizing the challenges faced by workers handling heavy automobile parts, REICHHART has implemented the use of the German Bionic exosuit to help reduce fatigue and injuries.
By equipping a portion of their team with exoskeletons during their shifts, REICHHART enables workers to experience the advantages of lower back support without compromising their work while simultaneously boosting their job performance. This, in addition to their already established two-hour shift system, alleviates strain to ensure sustainable work quality and employee safety. The German Bionic exosuit effectively compensates for the weight of materials when workers bend to lift or transport them.
Similar to wearing a backpack, the exoskeleton is comfortable and user-friendly, making the onboarding process less intimidating and facilitating a smooth transition for employees. Additionally, the device’s unique pin function allows multiple workers to share a single unit, as it remembers the working style of each operator. Employees at REICHHART have reported reduced fatigue at the end of their shifts since implementing the exoskeletons.
Julia Lacher, head of communications, emphasizes the positive impact of offering exoskeleton support on REICHHART’s employer branding. Roman Dreyse, leader of two REICHHART sites, also highlights the gratitude expressed by employees for the added relief and boost in productivity provided by the exosuit in the workplace. “We made exoskeletons mandatory in one of our workplaces. In this way, we can offer employees sustainable support, especially for heavy work, and increase their well-being.”
Repetitive and physically demanding lifting and shifting tasks can lead to severe musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), causing distress and limiting movement and mobility in daily life. However, industrial workers can safeguard their future against debilitating lower back MSDs with the mechanical support and lift compensation offered by industrial exoskeletons.
Given the successful utilization of the smart German Bionic Exoskeleton, this device has now been deemed mandatory protective gear for a specific workplace at REICHHART.