German Bionic IO

German Bionic delivers next-level data empowerment through real-time safety analytics. Delivers actionable reports and insights on ergonomics, productivity, device utilization and more. Discover risks, trends and process optimizations custom to your environment and devices. German Bionic IO is the core of all bio telematic data collected from your devices and produces ergonomic, safety and workplace insights. Use it as a tool to enable and monitor your ongoing workplace optimizations.
Workplace data at your fingertips
Explore how telematic data can translate to safer and more efficient operations.
  • Analyze and manage device use and ROI.
  • Incorporate your workplace safety into your digital logistics and smart warehouse workflows.
  • Identify the ergonomic risk factors facing your team.
  • Utilize recommendations and engage workers in creating a safer ecosystem.
  • Identify new ESG and sustainability goals.
  • Ensure compliance with data protection laws with unidentifiable data
Intelligently manage and analyze workplace ergonomics and safety practices
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Intelligently manage and analyze workplace ergonomics and safety practices
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German Bionic IO delivers:

  • Data insights about ergonomics, safety and workplace utilization
  • Device and workplace management
  • Detailed session data
  • Ergonomic workplace optimizations
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