“Full digitalization is not desirable in many lines of work, even if it were possible – ‘No one will give their grandma to a robot!”

“While German Bionic creates robotic exoskeletons, i.e. hardware, the software & data collected … which enable Al and ML, were the focus of its development work from the outset.”
“We’re almost disappointed that the Apogee will only be available in warehouses and other commercial settings – various Engadget staffers suffering from chronic back pain are eager to give it a go.”
“Exosuits like these make an eight-hour shift a whole lot more manageable for industrial workers, warehouse employees, and laborers.”
“No way that it can feel so easy. Normally, my slipped disc should have been nagging painfully by now. But there’s simply nothing: no pain, no effort.”
“This is what it must feel like to be Superman!”
“It’s a back-breaking job: Baggage handling on the apron at Nuremberg Airport. To make this work easier for employees, the airport will be using exoskeletons from German Bionic in future.”
“Awesome. [.] It absolutely lightened my load.”
“Ease your daily workload – An innovation that could help us live fitter, longer.”

従業員に力を与え、サポートする - 労働集約的な作業に対して、身体的なサポート、エネルギー、軽減策を提供します。
安全性とワークフローの最適化 - データ・インサイトを活用し、職場の安全性と効率性の取り組みを特定、実施、維持します。
ハイブリッド・オートメーションの活用 - パレタイズ、ピッキング、荷下ろしなど、完全な自動化が不可能な領域を最適化しましょう。
コストのかさむリスクと戦い - 職場での怪我を軽減し、病欠を減らしましょう。
人材確保問題への対応 - 従業員の安全を守り、競合他社に差をつけるイノベーティブな技術で人材を引き付け、確保しましょう。